Updated: October, 2024

Amazon Sponsored Products Targeting report

The targeting report provides detailed performance metrics for both targeting expressions and keywords used in Amazon Sponsored Products campaigns.

This report allows advertisers to analyze the effectiveness of their targeting strategies and optimize their ad performance.

Key data available

1/Basic Performance Metrics:Impressions, Clicks, Cost per Click (CPC), Click-Through Rate (CTR), Total Cost

2/Conversion Metrics:Purchases (1, 7, 14, and 30-day attribution windows), Units Sold (1, 7, 14, and 30-day attribution windows), Sales (1, 7, 14, and 30-day attribution windows).

3/Same SKU vs. Other SKU Performance: Purchases, Units Sold, and Sales for same SKU and other SKUs

4/Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) and Advertising Cost of Sales (ACOS): ROAS/ACOS for 7 and 14-day click attribution

5/Campaign and Keyword Information: Campaign details (ID, name, budget, status),  Keyword details (ID, type, match type, bid), Ad group information

6/Search Performance: Top of Search Impression Share

Campaign Data Table and Keyword Type Performance Graph
Date Campaign ID Campaign Name Keyword Type Keyword Impressions Clicks CTR (%) ...
2024-09-18 CMP3001 Autumn Apparel Exact "leather jackets" 100,000 2,500 2.50 ...
2024-09-18 CMP3002 Back to School Broad "backpacks" 80,000 1,600 2.00 ...
2024-09-19 CMP3003 Holiday Electronics Phrase "wireless earbuds" 150,000 3,750 2.50 ...
2024-09-19 CMP3004 Summer Essentials Exact "sunglasses" 90,000 2,250 2.50 ...
2024-09-20 CMP3005 Spring Fitness Broad "yoga mats" 110,000 2,200 2.00 ...
2024-09-20 CMP3006 Clearance Electronics Phrase "gaming laptops" 130,000 3,250 2.50 ...
2024-09-21 CMP3007 New Year Gadgets Exact "smart watches" 140,000 3,500 2.50 ...
2024-09-21 CMP3008 Black Friday Deals Broad "4K TVs" 200,000 5,000 2.50 ...

How to leverage this Amazon Ads report

Other Amazon reports: Targeting report, Search term report

Keyword performance analysis:

Use the keywordType filter to analyze performance of different keyword types (broad, phrase, exact) and targeting expressions.

Identify top-performing keywords and targeting expressions to allocate more budget or optimize bids.

Campaign optimization

Analyze campaign-level metrics to identify high-performing campaigns and those that need improvement.

Use budget utilization data to adjust campaign budgets effectively.

ACOS and ROAS optimization

Use ACOS and ROAS metrics to identify keywords or targeting expressions that are most profitable or need optimization.

Ad group and match type analysis:

Analyze performance across different ad groups and match types to refine your campaign structure and targeting approach.

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