Amazon Sponsored Products Search Term report
Search term reports provide detailed performance metrics for the actual search terms that triggered your ads, broken down by targeting expressions and keywords.
These reports only include impressions that resulted in at least one ad click.

Key data available
Data in this report includes basic performance metrics, conversion metrics across various attribution windows, same SKU vs. other SKU performance, ROAS and ACOS calculations, campaign and keyword details, and search performance indicators, providing a comprehensive view of targeting effectiveness in Sponsored Products campaigns.
1/Basic performance metrics:
- Impressions, clicks, cost-per-click, click-through rate, and total cost
2/Conversion metrics:
- Purchases and sales at 1, 7, 14, and 30-day attribution windows
3/SKU-specific data:
- Same SKU and other SKU purchases and sales
4/ROI metrics:
- ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sale) and RoAS (Return on Ad Spend) for 7 and 14-day windows
5/Campaign and keyword information:
- Campaign name, ID, budget, status; keyword ID, type, bid, and match type
How to leverage this Amazon PPC report
This data can be utilized to analyze keyword and targeting expression performance, optimize campaigns, improve ACOS and ROAS, enhance search placement strategies, and refine ad group and match type approaches to maximize the effectiveness of targeting in Sponsored Products campaigns.
Other Amazon reports: Targeting report, Campaign report
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