Updated: October, 2024

Amazon Sponsored Products Campaign report

The Sponsored Products campaign report offers detailed insights into the performance of advertising campaigns on Amazon.

It provides a comprehensive set of metrics that allow advertisers to evaluate their campaign effectiveness, track sales, and measure return on ad spend.It provides flexibility in date range, allowing analysis of up to 31 days of data in a single report.

Historical data is retained for 95 days, giving access to long-term trends. Time unit options enable viewing data as either a summary or on a daily basis, catering to different analytical needs.

Key data available

Data in this report includes impression and click metrics, cost and spend information, sales and revenue figures, performance metrics, campaign-specific data, and when applicable, ad group and placement data, providing a comprehensive view of Sponsored Products campaign performance on Amazon.

The report includes a wide range of metrics, with some of the most important ones being:

1/Impression and Click Data:
- Impressions: Number of times ads were shown
- Clicks: Number of times ads were clicked
- Click-through Rate (CTR): Percentage of impressions that resulted in clicks

2/Cost and Spend:
- Cost: Total amount spent on ads
- Cost per Click (CPC): Average cost for each click

3/Sales and Revenue:Sales (1d, 7d, 14d, 30d):
- Total sales attributed to ads within different time windows
- Purchases (1d, 7d, 14d, 30d): Number of purchases attributed to ads

4/Performance Metrics:Units Sold:
- Number of units sold through ad clicks
- Attributed Sales: Sales specifically tied to ad performance

5/Campaign-specific Data:
- Campaign Name, ID, and Status
- Campaign Budget Amount and Type
- Bidding Strategy

6/Ad Group Data (when grouped by ad group):
-Ad Group Name and ID
-Ad Status

7/Placement Data (when grouped by campaign placement):
- Placement Classification

Campaign Data Table and Graph
Date Campaign ID Campaign Name Impressions Clicks CTR (%) Spend ($) ...
2024-09-15 CMP2001 Autumn Launch 150,000 3,750 2.50 7,500 ...
2024-09-15 CMP2002 Back to School Blast 120,000 2,400 2.00 6,000 ...
2024-09-16 CMP2003 Holiday Deals 200,000 5,000 2.50 10,000 ...
2024-09-16 CMP2004 Summer Specials 180,000 4,500 2.50 9,000 ...

How to leverage this Amazon report

This data can be used to conduct performance analysis, optimize budget allocation, refine ad group and placement strategies, and evaluate product-specific ad impact to enhance the effectiveness of Sponsored Products campaigns on Amazon.

Other Amazon reports: Targeting report, Search term report

Performance analysis

Use impression and click data to gauge ad visibility and appeal.

Analyze CTR to assess ad relevance and effectiveness.

Compare costs against sales to calculate return on ad spend (ROAS).

Budget optimization

Review campaign budget amounts and types.

Use spend data to ensure budget allocation aligns with performance.

Ad group and placement optimization

When grouping by ad group or placement, identify top and underperforming segments.

Use this information to reallocate resources or adjust strategies for specific ad groups or placements.

Product performance

Analyze same-SKU metrics to understand how ads impact specific product sales.

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