
Advertising catalog penetration analysis

Calculate the % of (un)advertised active SKUs across different networks, markets to identify opportunities for increasing ad coverage.

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Calculate and analyze the percentage of advertised and unadvertised active SKUs across different retail media networks and markets to identify opportunities for increasing ad coverage. This analysis helps brands and sellers understand which products in their catalog are being promoted effectively and where there are gaps in their advertising strategy. By gaining insights into catalog penetration, advertisers can ensure they're maximizing their reach and not missing out on potential sales opportunities across various platforms and regions.

Key benefits

Improved product visibility

Efficient budget allocation

New product launch optimization

Cross-platform performance comparison

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How it works

Maximize your advertising reach on Amazon, and other marketplaces. Analyze and improve catalog penetration to boost product visibility, allocate budgets efficiently, and optimize new product launches.

Data aggregation

Use mimbi COLLECT to import product catalog data, active listing information, and advertising data from multiple marketplaces and retailers (e.g., Amazon, eBay…) and advertising networks (e.g., Amazon Ads, Criteo, Google Shopping).

Catalog penetration calculation

Leverage mimbi TRANSFORM to cross-reference your active product listings with your advertised products. Calculate the percentage of advertised SKUs for each platform, market, and product category. Also, identify the percentage and list of unadvertised SKUs.

Analysis and visualization

Create comprehensive dashboards and reports that display catalog penetration rates across different dimensions such as platforms, markets, product categories, and brands. Identify trends, patterns, and potential gaps in advertising coverage.

Strategy development and implementation

Based on the insights gained, develop and implement strategies for increasing catalog penetration. This could include automatically creating new ad campaigns for unadvertised products or adjusting bids and budgets to expand coverage for underrepresented categories or markets.

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