Updated: October, 2024

Retail Media Keyword report

The Criteo keyword report provides detailed daily metrics segmented by keywords used in search-based advertising campaigns.

This report offers valuable insights into the performance of specific keywords, allowing advertisers to analyze and optimize their retail media strategies.

Key data available

Data in this report includes campaign information, keyword performance metrics such as impressions and clicks, time-based data, and budget information, providing a detailed view of keyword-level performance in search-based advertising campaigns.

1/Campaign Information:
- Campaign ID and Name
- Campaign Type (e.g., search, display, sponsored products)
- Campaign Status (active, paused, ended)
- Start and End Dates

2/Keyword Performance Metrics:
- Keyword: The specific search term or phraseImpressions: Number of times ads were displayed
- Clicks: Number of clicks on ads
- Spend (Cost): Total spend including platform fees
- Attributed Orders: Number of orders attributed to the ads
- Attributed Sales: Revenue attributed to the ads
- Attributed Units: Number of units sold attributed to the ads

3/Time-based Data:
- Date: Daily performance data
- Click and View Attribution Windows: Time period for attributing actions to ads

4/Budget Information:
- Total Budget
- Budget Remaining
- Budget Spent

Keyword Performance Data and Graph
Date Campaign ID Campaign Name Keyword Impressions Clicks Spend ($)
2024-09-15 KW001 Autumn Launch "winter coats" 120,000 3,000 6,000
2024-09-15 KW002 Back to School "backpacks" 95,000 2,850 5,700
2024-09-16 KW003 Holiday Deals "smartphones" 150,000 4,500 9,000
2024-09-16 KW004 Summer Specials "sunglasses" 80,000 2,000 4,000
2024-09-17 KW005 Spring Offers "running shoes" 110,000 3,300 6,600
2024-09-17 KW006 Clearance Sale "laptops" 130,000 4,200 8,400
2024-09-18 KW007 New Arrivals "headphones" 100,000 2,500 5,000
2024-09-18 KW008 Black Friday "televisions" 200,000 5,000 10,000

How to leverage this Criteo report

This data can be utilized to analyze keyword performance, optimize conversion rates, refine budget allocation, identify seasonal trends, and understand product popularity associated with specific search terms.

Other Criteo reports you can be interested in:
Campaign report, Line item report.

Keyword performance analysis

Identify top-performing keywords based on impressions, clicks, and attributed sales

Spot underperforming keywords that may need optimization or removal

Conversion rate optimization

Analyze the relationship between clicks and attributed orders to identify keywords with high conversion rates

Budget allocation

Use budget spent and remaining data to adjust allocations for better-performing keywords

Product performance analysis

Correlate attributed units with keywords to identify which products are most popular for specific search terms

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