Updated: October, 2024

Retail Media
Line Item report

The Criteo line item report provides detailed performance data for individual ad groups within an advertiser's campaigns.

This report offers a comprehensive view of how specific line items are performing, allowing advertisers to analyze and optimize their retail media strategies at a granular level.

Key data available

Data in this report includes performance metrics such as impressions and clicks, conversion metrics, budget information, temporal data, campaign structure details, and account and retailer information, providing a comprehensive view of individual ad group performance within campaigns.

1/Performance Metrics:Impressions:
- Number of times ads were displayed
- Clicks: Number of clicks on ads
- Click-Through Rate (CTR): Can be calculated from impressions and clicks
- Spend: Total cost including platform fees

2/Conversion Metrics:
- Attributed Orders: Number of orders attributed to ads
- Attributed Sales: Revenue attributed to ads
- Attributed Units: Number of units sold attributed to ads
- Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): Can be calculated from attributed sales and spend

3/Budget Information:
- Budget: Total budget for the line item
- Budget Spent: Amount of budget used
- Budget Remaining: Available budget

4/Temporal Data:
- Date: Daily performance data
- Start Date: When the line item began running
- End Date: When the line item will stop running
- Created At: When the line item was created
- Updated At: When the line item was last updated

5/Campaign Structure:
- Campaign ID and Name
- Line Item ID and Name
- Line Item Type (e.g., search, display, sponsored products)
- Line Item Status (e.g., active, paused, ended)

6/Account and Retailer Information:
- Account ID and Name
- Retailer ID and Name
- Target Retailer ID

Line Item Performance Data and Graph
Line Item ID Line Item Name Campaign Name Line Item Type Impressions Clicks CTR (%)
LI001 Spring Promo Spring Collection Display 1,500,000 30,000 2.00
LI002 Summer Splash Summer Extravaganza Search 2,000,000 50,000 2.50
LI003 Fall Fest Autumn Deals Sponsored 1,200,000 24,000 2.00
LI004 Winter Warmers Winter Wonderland Display 1,800,000 36,000 2.00
LI005 Holiday Highlights Holiday Bonanza Search 2,500,000 62,500 2.50
LI006 Clearance Countdown Clearance Sale Sponsored 1,000,000 20,000 2.00
LI007 New Year Novelties New Year Specials Display 2,200,000 44,000 2.00
LI008 Back to Basics Back to School Search 1,700,000 42,500 2.50

How to leverage this Criteo report

This data can be used to conduct performance analysis, manage budgets effectively, optimize campaigns across different ad formats, and measure return on investment at the ad group level to refine retail media strategies.

Other Criteo reports: Campaign report, Keyword report.
Performance analysis

Track daily performance metrics to identify trends and optimize accordingly

Compare different line items to understand which strategies are most effective

Budget management

Monitor budget spent and remaining to ensure optimal resource allocation

Adjust budgets based on performance to maximize ROI

Campaign optimization

Analyze performance by line item type to determine the most effective ad formats

Use status information to manage active and paused line items efficiently

ROI measurement

Calculate ROAS to assess the effectiveness of each line item

Compare attributed sales and units to spend for a clear picture of profitability

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