
Keyword efficiency analysis: Search volume vs. purchase

Analyze the effectiveness of keywords and search terms by comparing their search volume against the actual purchases they generate. Identify low-performing keywords that may be wasting ad spend, allowing for more strategic keyword selection and bid optimization.

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Conduct a comprehensive analysis of sponsored keyword effectiveness by comparing search volume against actual purchases generated. This analysis aims to identify underperforming search terms that may be consuming ad spend without driving conversions, enabling more strategic keyword selection and bid optimization. By aligning search popularity with purchase intent, advertisers can refine their keyword strategy to maximize ROI with sponsored products campaigns (Amazon PPC..) and minimize wasted ad spend.

Key benefits

Optimized ad spend allocation

Improved conversion Rates

Enhanced Keyword strategy

Continuous optimization

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How it works

You'll quickly identify underperforming keywords eating up your sponsored product budget and discover hidden gems that efficiently turn searches into sales, allowing you to refine your strategy and maximize your advertising ROI.

Data collection

Use mimbi COLLECT to import search volume data from various sources (e.g., Amazon Ads, Criteo, Google Shopping) and purchase data from e-commerce platforms and marketplaces (e.g., Amazon Seller Central, Shopify). Ensure data is collected for the same time period across all sources.

Data integration and normalization

Utilize mimbi TRANSFORM to merge search volume and purchase data, normalizing metrics for consistent comparison. Create a unified dataset that pairs each keyword's search volume with its corresponding purchase data.

Analysis and visualization

Calculate efficiency ratios (purchases per search) for each keyword. Generate visualizations in your BI tools, such as scatter plots or heat maps to illustrate the relationship between search volume and purchase performance across your keyword set.

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Datas silos slow your growth. Discover mimbi to make all your channel work together and manage ads for profitability.

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